Roots of Yoga: Ashtanga Yoga(Eight Limbs)

Shlok Jethwa
2 min readSep 17, 2022


Ashtanga is what is known as the Eight Limbs of Yoga. These original eight limbs of Yoga Sutras provide insights into how Yoga has been practiced and are meant to be learned and practiced in the order they’re listed below. As any person must master each step before proceeding towards the next one. Below is the summarized version of all the steps.

  1. Yama — It tells us to be non-violent in thought and words, truthful in thought and word; to not covet something someone else has; to control our desires, and to not be greedy and/or hoard things for the future.
  2. Niyama — It tells us what disciplines we should practice not for the world but ourselves. To clean up regularly, to be satisfied with what we have; to create a good routine and stick to it; to read good writings, and to never forget to give thanks to God and the Universe.
  3. Asana — Keep your body in fine fettle through regular physical exercise.
  4. Pranayama — Believes that breath control is the first step to controlling our emotions.
  5. Pratyahara — This practice teaches you to control your senses. These are the senses that distract you constantly. Control them by withdrawing them from yourself.
  6. Dharana — Train the mind to focus on an intently specific object.
  7. Dhyana — Often referred to as Meditation. Focus intently for long towards one object.
  8. Samadhi — Focus on the object is so complete that you become that object.

By tapping into Yoga, we’ll see how important it is for our growth and progress, spiritually and societally.



Shlok Jethwa
Shlok Jethwa

Written by Shlok Jethwa

Technology consultant during the day, and part time writer and photographer at night. Passionate about self-help books and monochrome photography.

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